Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hair and Sunday Best

Hey everyone! Well Annabell is doing well. She wore a cute little outfit to church on sunday so I included some pictures of her in it for her Grandparents. She is starting to feel better, still a little stuffy but it's almost gone, and it's not waking her anymore. But she still is waking in the night, for a feeding. I try not to feed her but if I do feed her she is back to sleep for several hours, instead of waking every 10 minutes. So if anyone has any suggestions I'm open to hear them. I tried uping her feedings during the day which she is loving...eating every 1-2 hours now! So that is where we are with sleeping. Well Brad got to spend some quality time with Annabell and I last night and her gave her a you can see he also did her hair! This is what it looks like when Brad does her hair...well I love ya'll!


Casey said...

My "lactation consultant" gave me the advice of trying to spread out Lilian's feedings by just like 15 during the night, a few days at at time...does that make sense? It worked really well for us - she is sleeping straight thru til 5ish AM now. Hang in there.

Casey said...

PS - CUUUUUUTE outfit.

Puckett Family said...

I still swear by schedule. I fed Gracie every 3-4 hours during the day and woke her to feed her even if she was asleep. I know everyone says never wake a sleeping baby but whatever. She slept through the night at 6 weeks and has been doing it since.
Love the outfit. I'm a fan of outfits with matching hats:)

mom2mlg said...

It seems like breastfed babies just take a little longer to get to sleeping through the night and colds can be a set back in that process. Most of the kids in the neighborhood seem to get there by 6 months, but you know, every kid is different. I would recommend feeding her when she wakes up. I had read to try to give her 15 minutes before you go in to feed her though. More often than not Maddie goes back to sleep within 5 or 10 minutes. The exception would be if she is really crying hard. Maddie more wakes up and might talk to herself a little bit before finding her thumb. Good luck!