Wednesday, November 7, 2007

way to go Annabell!!!!!!

Hey everyone! I just wanted you all to know that Annabell rolled from back to belly today. It was so exciting for me! She was reaching for her rattle just above her head and was on her side and then threw her leg over and BAM, she was on her belly! She started crying because it took her a minute to get her arm out from under her....toooooo cute. No pictures because I forgot to put the memory card in while I was snapping away!!!!!! UGH!!!! But I took some video even though she didn't do it again for me. Oh well, at least I saw it! I'm so happy! Love ya'll!

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

Yea, Annabell! That is a major accomplishment and how lucky that you got to see her actually flip over. I missed the first couple of times Maddie flipped over. Annabell will be on the move soon...