Friday, November 23, 2007

1st Thanksgiving

Well yesterday was Thanksgiving and we had a pretty good day. Except for the fact that Annabell has picked up ANOTHER cold from a little boy who claims to be her boyfriend ;). He's too cute. Anywho, we got up early and watched some of the Macy Day parade and then proceeded to make fresh Cranberry Bread for breakfast, Annabell was strapped to me during the making of the bread and enjoyed watching me crack eggs and stir the pretty colors. She then had a pretty long belly time just before we went to Mima and Papa's for Turkey Day supper. It was nice. There was alot of family there and Annabell enjoyed visiting whith her big pop who would let her watch TV even though mom said no, ha, they are already spoiling her, and 2 of her Great Grandma's were there as well, included is a picture of her Zachritz Great Grandma! Well say a little prayer for Annabell to heal quickly from her cold. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thought of your many blessings!

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