Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted a blog in a while, but we just returned from Atlanta, GA. this morning. We had a great time. We attended the National Youth Workers Conference again this year, but it was a little different. Last year I was pregnant with Annabell and this year she attended! It was very different having a baby with us, but just as fulfilling. We saw a few

people we knew, my longest friend Diane finally met Annabell. It was wonderful to see her. We walked through down town Atlanta everyday (which was nice to actually walk where there were hills, great work out!), and strolled through the Centennial Park that was built for the 1996 Olympics. It was a very cool site to see. We saw a ton of concerts and listened to several speakers. Our friends Tabi and Kesh attended with us, which was nice. Annabell was totally worn out from the long days. We would wake up and she would play and then sleep while we walked some of our long distant walks. She loved wearing her shoes for the first time, and she also wasn't bothered by tights. Her eating picked up again while we were there. She is once again eating a lot, but I think it's because she is going through a growth spurt. She has already slept a ton today and is out again. She is at such a fun age! She laughs and smiles at everyone and everything. She seems to be so much more aware of her own strength which is seen by her belly time constantly improving. She also is playing more independently now. She's slowly not needing me as much :(! But she is still mommy's girl! She's is also becoming daddy's girl too! She LOVES Brad's voice. Whenever he talks she stops what she is doing to listen to him. She will follow him with her eyes where ever he goes! Speaking of talking, oh my gosh is she talking allot! She seems to like the quietest times to talk, like when we had up front seats the the speaker at the conference and she started to talk away like she was having a conversation with him! ha. She is going to be a jabber mouth like her mommy! Well I have a ton to do before Thanksgiving and A LOT to be thankful for! I will put more up then hopefully! Love ya!

1 comment:

Casey said...

i love that top picture of you two.