Thursday, November 1, 2007


Happy Halloween! Annabell enjoyed her first Halloween! She was a pumpkin, thanks to Kelly giving us Emma's old Halloween Costume. She was so precious. We had a pretty good day, besides the fact that she was very congested. We made a pumpkin pie from scratch and she loved feeling the pumpkin guts in her hand. It took forever to get her hands clean after that! Well around 5pm we headed over to Rachel and Todd's house for a small get together. It was pretty nice, we ate pizza and apples with carmel and for dessert we had the pumpkin pie. Yum. We got to see a few trick or treaters...and Brad and Todd Babb carved pumpkins for the babies...
Annabell's is the white one. Brad did a great Job for her! Annabell was relaxing with Mason, Todd and Stefanie's son, and decided to suck on his hand...they were so cute, we couldn't help but laugh. We took some pictures with Lilia, Annabell and Mason in their costumes. Lilia is 9 months, Annabell 4 and Mason 1. They were so precious so I included some pictures.
Well Annabell had her 4 month check up today. She is 25.75 inches long (95th percentile) and 13 lbs (50th percentile) and 50th percentile for her head. He said she was doing great besides her congestion. He said I could introduce solids to her at anytime (starting in the evening) but if I don't want to that it's fine. We decided to wait until 6 months unless something changes. She is very interested in food though. She thinks it is so neat when I eat, she just stares at me using the fork. She also had her shots today....I hate her getting those. She was being so cute and then BAM the nurse stuck her with 4 needles in about 10 seconds. She was crying so hard but stopped as soon as I picked her up. I fed her before we left to give her a little extra comfort. So far she hasn't been fussy or anything, she just wants to sleep, I don't blame her either. Well I Love you all!

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