Saturday, November 3, 2007


Well today has been a pretty nice day. It is gorgeous here! The weather is perfect. A cold front has come down and I'm really enjoying it and so is Annabell. We took Roxy out side to use the bathroom this morning and she was loving the cool breeze, probably in the upper 60's or lower 70's. We then went shopping for Christmas with her aunt Adrienne. We found some great sales at Kohls. Annabell enjoyed it until she got hungry and then started crying at the store so I ended up feeding her in the car before we even went home, such is motherhood. But when we got home we both took a nap, about an hour for Annabell and a power 30 minute nap for me. MUCH needed since she has been sick. Her congestion looked like it was almost gone, but it just seems to be sticking around and waking the poor baby in the middle of the night... She starts crying so hard because she wants to sleep but gets woken up by not being able to breath well. Which has taken it's toll on me, but with the little nap today I feel ten times better. We then woke up, ate and then went to the park. It is a great park they are building across the street. I'm already hoping to have Annabell's 1st birthday there. They have opened it while still finishing some of the park. So it's not completely done but almost. So we walked around. Annabell's favorite time was watching the wind blow in the palm trees. She seemed mesmerized by them. She then played in her exersaucer for a while, and she loved it. We don't have to put a towel around her anymore because she can control her balance pretty well. Here are some pictures of her playing. Well I gotta go, she's waking from her second nap... love.

1 comment:

Casey said...

she is so gorgeous.