Sunday, October 5, 2008

Date Night

Last night Annabell stayed the night with her Grandma and Big Pop so that Brad and I could go on a date before baby boy arrives. We she went with them around 2:30pm so that gave us time to play as a family. We woke up and had breakfast together (Annabell loves when we are all together) and then went on a walk and then to the playground. She had so much fun running around. It was overcast so it aloud for extra energy with out being drained by the sun. She climbed a wall, which she had not done before, you can see her scaling it in her picture. She watched some other kids do it and then off she went. She also still loves the slides but the issue now is she drags her elbows so she has burns that scab up when she wakes up the next morning!
Also now when we say "let's put on your shoes" she comes over to us and sits in our laps and puts her feet out. Here is a picture of Brad putting on her shoes.

She also has been trying hard to say words. I hear her trying to say a word immediatly after I say one, but it tends to be muddled a bit. But she understands as clear as day! You can ask her and tell her things and she will be sure to answer you with yes or no or to do what you asked her to do! Well I hope y'all have a good is a video of Brad swinging her at the park, she was waiving at me, but stopped once I started to record. Also her is a picture of me 9 months pregnant with our son.
Love y'all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Abby! you look amazing! you're so gorgeous anyways, but pregnancy really makes you look pretty! love your maternity dress...glad you had a date! love you!