Monday, October 20, 2008

Day by day

Well each day Annabell is adjusting better to being a new big sister. She loves to point out to me anytime she hears Ford cry. She is sweet with him like that. She doesn't notice him too much, but she is curious when he's eating as to what he's doing. Her naps have switched in the last two days from 2 naps to one really long one. I wonder if this is permanent or temporary. Her signing has really increased, she now will also say thank you and is learning to sign others easily. But she still hesitates to actually say many of the words although she has said some here and there. She completely understands them though which is great, especially when asking her to do things like put stuff in her room or putting the crayons back in her box. We are having to work on her not putting the crayons in her mouth which she does mostly for the reaction she gets from us.

Annabell was able to go to the park with her G-ma and Briana today, which she absolutely loved. Lately she has seemed to want more snacks during the day and I think it's because she normally gets to go out and play a lot more, but since I can't take her out she prefers to snack, which isn't a habit I want her to develop so I'm excited to get back outside and play with her...but who knows, it could be because she is growing. She looks more and more like a little girl and less like a baby.
She also played outside with her daddy some while he worked on his trailer. She loves working outside with Brad. Also Brad had Ford and Annabell for about an hour by himself this evening while I went to a friends to pick up a pump. When I came home Ford was cozy and asleep and Annabell was bathed and ready for bed sipping on her milk. I was very impressed with his daddy skills, because two kids is a whole different ball game.

People from our church have started to bring us meals for dinner so we will not have to cook while recovering from labor, which is really nice. We are enjoying them and it is helping me heal faster since I'm not having to run around and make supper. Which is awesome. I'm hoping by next week to be 100% back.

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