Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well the weather has been as low as the 40's - 50's at night so the day time 60's-70's has been gorgeous. We even lit a fire last night! It was Annabell's first time recognizing a lit fire and she was mesmerized by the flames. Yesterday after work, Brad and I took the kids to a pumpkin "patch". I wanted Annabell to be able to run around and look at all the pumpkins and cute games. She LOVED the little pumpkins and would proceed to move each one to her little picnic table. We ended up picking up 4 small ones for her friends that are coming over on Friday so they can paint with them. Playing outside in this weather is very enjoyable for Annabell, because she can last longer outside when it's not too hot. I also love dressing her up in all of her "cold" clothes. She has some great hand me downs from our neighbor's daughter that I'm trying to get her to wear before the weather gets hot again! Well here are some pictures. Oh and today we ate lunch with Brad and noticed that Annabell will now hold her hands together to Pray with us. And say "Aaahhh" for Amen at the end. Very precious. The picture of her eating is for y'all to laugh, she eats just like me, with a GOOD appetite!
ha. Love y'all!

Oh and here is some video of Annabell opening her Halloween card from Big Pop and G-ma. Oh and here is a picture of her nose...she fell at church on the asphalt. It looks worse than it is...she has been falling a lot now that she can run.

And here is a video of the guys playing with Annabell and Bekah outside the other day.

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