Friday, October 17, 2008


Check out my little brother's Blog

Well today was our first day with out any help from my family. They left this morning, so I guess I did have help, but after her first nap it was just the three of us! She did well for the most part, she did completely miss her cousin Mikayla. They played so well together. They would run to each other and hold one another so tight, and they would also wrestle which was hilarious with Brad and I commentating as if it was a UFC match. The house was so quite today and she was use to playing so hard that I felt compelled to try and take her to the park, so around 3:00pm we ventured across the street with Ford in my arms. HUGE MISTAKE! I was in no shape for that yet and could tell from the moment we arrived. I had Ford in my arms and was trying to lift Annabell into a swing just wasn't going to happen. Thankfully a member of my church was there and she came over and put Annabell in the swing while she kicked and screamed at her! I then swung her for about 5 minutes and then couldn't take the pain anymore and had to tell Annabell we had to go home. She threw herself on the ground and began to have a fit. Kim picked her up and walked her home for me. I was so grateful she was there! We won't venture out like that for at least another week. I keep feeling I am good and then try something and BAM I know I'm not. Here is a sneak peak at Annabell's costume for Halloween, compliments of Aunt Kari! It was adorable. We were going to take the kids to a pumpkin "patch" but Kari came down with the bug that has run it's coarse through our entire family here with the exception of me and my dad and Ford so please say a prayer that Ford doesn't get it. That is why she had her costume on.
Oh and the reason I named this "helper" is because Annabell did well when I would have her help. I asked her to get me a diaper after Ford peed on the new one and off she went to help, she searched in his diaper bag until she found one and brought it to me, she was so proud of herself. I also noticed that she likes to pull Ford and when she does that it's because she wants to hold him. So I asked her if she wants to hold him and she shook her head yes, so I told her to come sit down and she got up on the couch and held him, with a lot of love! It was very cute! Well we love y'all!

P.S. Annabell has said some more words which I personally missed! She said "yeah" and "cool".
She also enjoys coloring with her crayons, even though I think she prefers sorting and collecting the crayons even more than the coloring. She also is all about hugging now, as you can see with her hugging her neighbor Rebekah.
Here is a video of her laughing at her daddy playing with her feet! Love y'all!

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