Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chuck E Cheese

Annabell is so cute. Okay I'm bias but I just can't help it, she's adorable. She now does this arm grabbing thing with Brad and I. If she is sitting next to us at dinner she will rap her arm around ours and smile! She has also been extra cuddly lately. It could be partially because she's not feeling well, or because we cuddle with Ford, or just one of those stages, either way we are both eating it up. I love when she'll lay on our laps! She seems to really enjoy her hair being run through when cuddling. Well yesterday we were going to go to Hunsader Farm in Sarasota. They have a pumpkin patch, animals, hay rides and much more. But I couldn't make it in time with my ride so I decided to go on my own with the two kids. About 3/4 of the way to the interstate, with Ford screaming to eat and Annabell crying because it took us an hour to just get that far I decided it probably wouldn't be a good idea. So we called G-ma and asked if she would like to go to Chuck E Cheese with us. So we picked her up and off we went. Annabell had so much fun. She liked running around I think even more than the rides and games though. One of the funniest things was the fact that she would get on a ride, but once it started to go with the exception of the merry-go-round, she didn't like it at all and would hop off. She the dance station they had where kids would dance and be on TV. I think that was her favorite, with no surprise, dancing is probably one of her fav. past times, including playing in the dirt! Well I was a dummy and left the memory card out of my camera, so all these great photo's I took there didn't stick. BUT I did take some when we got home because her hair was cute, and a picture of Brad reading her bedtime story,

with her hair crazy. Oh and her first taste of chocolate, she loved it and went a little crazy, but that's okay!

Love y'all!

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