Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Annabell has been learning to share lately. She has done wonderfully with her food, she gladly feeds Brad or I at our request. Today she was able to play with Rebekah for a while at our house. She was asking for the toys and not getting what she wanted and started to whine a bit, but besides that she does great. Here is some video of them playing together. She was even sharing her toys at the doctors visit today with the doctor. The doctor was talking to Brad and I and she kept walking up to her and Brad and handing them different toys. It was very cute. Well here are a ton of different pictures. Oh and she is also learning to put her glass down gently versus throwing it down when she is done with it. She picked this up quickly with me telling her to go pick it up and put it down when she does throw them.

Baby update: At our appointment today the doctor said I am 5 cm dilated! I know I couldn't believe it and neither could the doctor. So I'm thinking it will only be a matter of time, God willing. I really don't want to have to be induced so say a prayer please! Annabell is also becoming more and more affectionate with babies and other children. She loves to kiss Briana, and she follows around Rebekah and holds her hand and hugs on her every time she's around. It's very cute. I'm excited for her to know her baby brother! She will be a great big sis!
P.S. Some of the pictures are blurry but they were making me laugh because she was laughing so hard trying to get the camera. Oh and as you can see Roxy is officially an outdoors dog. She's doing pretty well with it and actually we spend more time with her being out there than we do her being in the house...and it's so much cleaner! My floors actually stay clean now! Love y'all!

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