Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Sister

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. We have had a very busy week! Well Annabell is officially a big sister. She is doing really well with it too! She has been so patient with me recovering from her brother's birth. Well Thursday I was feeling "icky" and took a nap when Annabell took her afternoon nap. Then that evening Brad stayed home from work to help out with Annabell since I wasn't feeling very good. That evening around 1:30am I woke up Brad thinking it could be the "real thing" but didn't want to jump to any conclusions. After speaking to the nurse she advised us to go into the hospital just to be safe...my contractions were about 4-6 minutes apart. So we called our neighbors, Heather and Pete to come stay at our house until Grandma Z arrived to take care of Annabell. By the time we got to the hospital I was having them about every three minutes and was 6 cm when checking in. So they moved me into a room and about 5-10 minutes after arriving to the room the doctor checked me and I was 8cm. So she broke my water and then just waited in the room with us because she said it wouldn't be long. She was right. About 10 minutes later she asked if I wanted to start pushing soon. I said "ok", even though I had no urge to push. About 4 contractions later, Bradford James Zachritz II was born at 4:08am. He was fast to arrive so I'm sure he will have tons of energy just like his daddy. Trying to stick to Annabell...she had been sick Wednesday and Thursday with a fever. So we didn't allow her to hold Ford, and so it was kind of tough on her with me in a hospital bed and not being able to touch the new baby. But finally she got some pictures with him and was totally disinterested at the time...but she becomes more and more interested in him...and has given him a lot of hugs and interest. Yesterday she finally was so upset that I hadn't spent time with her (her being sick the dr told me to avoid a lot of physical touch, so my family and Brad has been doing the things I normally do with her). She walked around and cried and cried and nothing would make her happy...Brad picked her up and said she said "I wa moooommmy." Hearing this broke my heart, but God is so good. Ford finally slept great through the night, so I woke refreshed and was able to great her in the morning and get her out of bed for the first time in a while. I also got to "dance" with her this morning to some music which she loved. I met her at Lakes Park this afternoon after Ford's Dr. appointment and played with her in the water some, and then also gave her a bath and read her bedtime story to her just before I tucked her in. I felt better and so did she! She did get very jealous of Ford getting into her old car seat and stroller today, but she will get passed that kind of stuff soon. Well here are some pictures of her with him and her playing with her cousin Mikayla in the pool. My family came to help for the week and have been HUGE blessings! Oh and here is a picture of Ford with his PawPaw.


Unknown said...

are you insane! Ford is sleeping through the night? and you're already taking him to the park! you are amazing abby....and you're the bomb and pushing out babies, haha.

I love the pictures of your dad with Ford, and annabell, so sweet!

Unknown said...

PS, does Ford have a blog yet?

Anonymous said...

he is so adorable!!
I think he looks like you:)
I'm always excited to see your blog and see your pics and I feel so happy that you guys are doing well:D

love ya!