Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stay with G-ma and the Bahamas

Well Brad and I went on our very first cruise! The best part was it was for FREE! Our company (YTB) sent anyone that was a full time pastor on a cruise to the Bahamas, no strings attached! It was wonderful! We ate a ton, swam in the clearest water I have EVER seen, road a scooter and nearly crashed 2 times! ha. (long story). And really enjoyed our time together. The most difficult part of the trip was that we had to leave our 11 month old (just turned!) in the states. It was hard to do but she had a wonderful time! She stayed with her Big Pop and G-ma. They bought her a tons of toys to play with, took her to the zoo, and much more. So when we came back, and she saw us, she looked at us very confused for about 1 minute and then started to cry (first time since we were gone!). It was as if she realized that we had left her just then. Brad and I both agree that they must of kept her so busy that she didn't notice us gone and then put it together once she saw us again. It took about 10 minutes for her to calm down, but once she did she was fine. She LOVED the gift we brought her back! She is always trying to play with the Maraca's that my father bought me when I was a kid (from Mexico). So we bought her some from the Bahamas...she LOVES them. Also she had a wonderful gift from her aunt Michelle and uncle Matt, it was the ABC's book by Dr. Sues! I love those books and was excited she finally was reading it with me. She loved it too, and the hardback was wonderful for her to practice flipping the pages! Thank you! Well here are some pictures! hahahaha. Love Y'all

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow! i had no idea! i hope you enjoyed yourselves! YTB is the way to go! call me!