Monday, June 9, 2008

Bunny Ears and Park time!

Well today was pretty uneventful. Annabell woke up around 7:30am and we played until around 9:20am (she was fussing as if she was tired). So I laid her down and she slept for 3.45 hours! I couldn't believe it. So around 1 pm we went to the park and I took her lion toy with us so she could practice walking on the pavement. She loves chasing the older kids around and even if they aren't paying attention to her she thinks that they are playing "chase" with her. It's pretty funny. So I help her go up and down and all around the park. She was so tired and hot from playing so much in the sun that she didn't fuss a bit when leaving. I think she was happy to drink some cold water when we got home. It took her about 1 hour for her cheeks to turn back to her normal color because they were so flushed from the heat. Well I found an outfit that she is wearing for her pj's tonight...she outgrows her pj's so fast! I believe it was Mikayla's when she was a baby. It's a bunny eared outfit and adorable....Annabell was trying to take the hood off constantly but got use to it eventually. Don't worry the ears came off for bedtime! Oh and Annabell is constantly trying to establish her independence. She no longer lets us feed her a bottle or very much from the spoon. She wants to do it herself. The only problem is she gets tired and tends to not lift the bottle high enough to feed herself. Tonight she slipped off my lap and proceeded to prop her bottle on a toy to feed herself...i caught it on tape for a split second! I also have some video of her playing in her bunny suit and at the park today. Well I hope y'all have a great day! Love ya! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! LOVE ANNABELL!!!!!!

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