Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Well today was Brad's first Father's Day. It was a nice day. We went to church and Brad was there working early and then gave the communion sermon. He did wonderfully! Also, Annabell was is very playful spirits today! She had the Zachritz family all there to play with her today! Uncle Josh is going to be such a great daddy soon, he played with Annabell non-stop today! She was laughing and crawling all over him. She also got excited and started practicing walking very well from Josh to G-ma, back and forth. She did it for a while until she became was so cute. She also enjoyed playing on her aunt Adrienne and looking a the baby belly! It was very cute. G-ma took her to the park as the dads rested and watched a movie, the "bucket list", which was pretty good! Uncle Josh brought some music over and Big Pop and Annabell danced for a while, she really enjoys dancing and you could see it on her face. She will be one in 2 weeks! I can not believe it! My baby is growing up! She is eating so many things now I can't even keep up with her, but she LOVES watermelon! Well Annabell made her daddy a card and coupons for his first Father's Day. He's already trying to cash in on them! Ha. The day ended with Annabell being so pooped out she was ready to go to bed, and Brad giving her a big kiss and thanking her for making him a daddy! He is such a wonderful daddy, anyone that sees them together notices how she lights up when he walks in the room. Today G-ma (we call Peggy g-ma right now because she wants her grand kids to give her the name she will be called) was giving her a bath and she asked "where is daddy?" and Annabell stood up and started yelling for her daddy "dad!" She also did that at dinner tonight when she couldn't see him for a second while sitting at her highchair. She is so in love with him and he is so in love with her! It's wonderful to see! Well here are some video from today! Love y'all!

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