Thursday, June 12, 2008

Water fun

Annabell had a pretty good day yesterday, she played at the park for about an hour and was pooped out from trying to follow all the kids. She slept from about 11:20am - 2:20pm! Because she slept that long I didn't put her down for a second nap. I'm not sure if her second nap is disappearing or not, it could be our schedule lately, only time will tell. Because she is sleeping so long during the day she isn't wanting a 4th bottle at night, this has been two days in a row and makes me a bit nervous. But her regular food consumption has picked up, so she might just be weaning herself, since she is in her independence assertion phase! G-ma came over yesterday and played with Annabell for a while. Annabell has now learned how to ride her lion, she loves getting on and off of the lion. She pushes herself but it tends to be backwards. I didn't catch much of that on video but I did catch her getting on and off. Well G-ma and Big pop bought Annabell a pool for the yard. She loved it! I blew it up today (by mouth which took forever but was worth it) and plugged in the hose. She was apprehensive at first but grew to love it and even enjoyed the sprinklers. She is such a water bug, and loved the fact that she could climb in and out of the pool which made our nice new pool very grassy and dirty! ha. Well here is some video of her playing in the pool! (please ignore my annoying woohoo noises, haha) Hope all is well! Love y'all!

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