Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Well today has been a busy and productive day. We got up early and went to my bible study where Annabell cried the entire time (almost) from the bedroom where all the kids play or are watched, while I studied the word with the ladies in my group. It was a very good study today! Anyways, Annabell was brought out at the end of the study, her face blotchy red like her moms when she cries, and sniffled for about 5 minutes straight because she worked herself up so much. After she calmed down and ate some breakfast all the other kids headed out to the living room and she began to play with them! It was hilarious, she was walking from one place to the other, and then throwing herself on the furniture, diving into the furniture is more like it. We then went to the bank and the mall for some quick errands. When we got home she napped, woke up and and ate and then napped some more. Finally around 5 we headed out to the park and played while her daddy painted the guest bedroom (some touch ups before my sister Sarah gets here). We then played in the house and then played some more outside...she LOVES walking in the grass! Needless to say after her bath she was pooped out and went right to bed. She had a long day of playing, here is some video of the bible study play time. Love y'all!

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