Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well we had a gorgeous Memorial Day down here in Florida! It was breezy and very hot. We woke to a happy baby and ate breakfast as a family. After Annabell's morning nap we went to the local pool. She had so much fun. I have been taking her to the pool on a weekly basis and practicing holding her breath and going to the side of the pool. Well we were in the pool and Brad and I were standing about 3 feet apart. One of the ladies at the pool was admiring how Annabell kicked her legs and push with her arms so well and said ""you should let her go, she's ready to swim." I knew she could hold her breath now with out blowing in her face (I still count to 3 though). So I thought we would try. Well sure enough, at 10 months old, Annabell swam! It wasn't graceful or anything, she went under and swam about 1 foot underwater and then we pulled her up. She did wonderfully and was so excited to keep trying. The only down fall is she likes to drink the pool water, I know, yuck! ha. But no matter how much I say no she still does...so we only stayed for about an 1 1/2 hours. We were so proud of her though, and it gives me a little peace to know that she's progressing so quickly with the water. On another note, I believe she is starting to teeth again, maybe her molers because this time she is super cranky and wants to be held a lot. Her other teeth never hurt her like this but lately she hasn't slept well at all and is constantly chewing on her fingers...so that's the only conclusion I have, anyone else have an idea? Well here is a few random pictures...love y'all!

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