Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hot Days!

Hot DAYS! Man it has been so hot here the past week or so, and the mosquitoes have been horrible! Brad set up our mosquito trap again though and they have tapered off a bit since then. Well Annabell's 4th bottom tooth finally came in, she has been drooling a ton, I think that has caused her stomach to hurt lately. I'm not sure though. I also am learning and relearning patience and consistency. I have had a hard time lately wavering on how to discipline Annabell seeing she is stuck between a baby and toddler in my eyes. But I have came to the conclusion that she is learning about consistency from Brad and I. So when I want her to stop something I now get down to her level and look in her face and say "don't touch" or "no" etc...She fights it a bit and thinks I'm playing half the time but the more I do it the easier it is becoming. She is such a good girl though, I just want to nip the small rebellions in the butt now so they don't become huge ones later. For example she is starting to walk on top of our couch, which scares me because she can fall and hurt herself. So I will tell her to sit on her butt, but if she doesn't I'll sit her down or take her off of the couch and not allow her to continue in the behavior. It seems to work so far. (2 days ha).

We have been trying to keep up our walking (Heather and I and the girls) every morning to keep in shape. The heat is so tough though! We walk about 2 miles and then take the girls to the park. They play and become so hot they are ready to go home after about 15-20 minutes tops. Annabell has also started to talk a bit more clearly. She now asks "what's that" and is becoming very intrigued at the idea of making sounds like animals. She watches our mouths as we say them as if trying to figure out how to copy the noise. She also has begun to use a few of her sign languages for multiple things. For example, she uses the sign for milk also for wanting pointing and asking for it while doing the milk sign. She also uses water for the same as binki, which she is asking for a lot more lately. So i have begun to hide them because I really only want her using it for nap and bed time. She is still in her crib per our pediatricians instructions. He said to leave her in until she starts to attempt to climb out. She will take naps in the toddle bed though. I can't decide if we should put her in the day bed before he comes or after...any ideas? Well here are some pictures of her playing in her sunday dress that i LOVE because it brings out the blue in her eyes. She also loves playing with daddy's toys. She is playing with his GPS for his truck in one of the pictures. Oh and here is the baby boy in my belly. I think he dropped recently, but I'm not too sure. I am carrying him different then I did with Annabell. I feel like my stomach is so pointy! Well I love y'all!


Unknown said...

abby you look awesome! can't wait to see that little guy and know his name! are you going to change the name of your blog then? can't have our little girl anymore. love you!

Anonymous said...

i like her dress. so pretty!
and your belly looks big again. it looks bigger than when you had Annabell. im so excited to see your son:)