Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big Nanny and Big Papa

We got a great surprise this week, we found out that my Nanny and Papa were in Orlando and were hoping to be able to visit one night before going back to Arkansas. They were here for the National VFW convention. They arrived at our house around 6pm Friday night. Annabell was excited to see them, she was a bit cranky from her lack of nap but did wonderfully. She was loving her big papa a ton! She loved to lay her head on his chest while he would show her a local magazine on mowers and trailers....she likes those from her daddy! Anyways, she also loved seeing her big nanny! Whenever she would walk outside Annabell would follow and wave through the glass. She even leaned in and gave Nanny and Papa kisses! Hugs were a little harder to get her to sit still for. It was sad to see them go and knowing they have to drive through tropical storm fay isn't a good thought, but I am so glad they came to see us! Here are some pictures from their visit! Welll she has to be going through a growth spurt, because I have NEVER seen a child as hungry as she has been lately! She can eat the refrigerator bare! It's amazing! She also is drooling a ton so I think some teeth are cutting somewhere in her mouth. Her vocabulary is ever increasing, she will now say "that" when pointing at things, and many more 'one time' words that she has said after repeating me. She is on the verge of being a chatter box just like her momma! Well she just woke from her nap, love y'all!

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