Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cute outfits

Well Annabell has had so many cute outfits on lately I can't help but post some pictures of her. We haven't had a ton going on. We went to the pool today and hurried home so she could see her daddy after work. She really is learning so much lately. She now knows how to "stack" her blocks instead of just throwing them or breaking them down. She also understands me pretty well. We were walking to the park the other day and she was walking all by herself, she looked like she was getting tired and I asked her if she wanted mommy's hand, and she tucked her hands away and shook her head "no". She wanted to do it all by herself. She also is really really watching everything we do now. I was sitting on her floor putting up her books (which she can also do now) and I looked up and she was laying back in her rocking chair watching me, like I usually watch was adorable. I didn't even think she could get into the chair by herself yet. I think I have heard her say a couple of words too, I believe she said "food" today when I asked her if she wanted some food. I also think she has said "yes", and few others that don't come to my head right now. She is for certain saying "dog" but it's pronounced "gag" to her still. Also she did the cutest thing. I had an invoice for our lawn company that Brad needed, so while I was in the other room I told her to take it to daddy and she proceeded to walk it right out to Brad. She had her hand stretched out to his direction from the moment I gave it to her. She then clapped for herself when she gave it to Brad. It was precious! She also has learned to point (open handed and upside down) when she wants something, you can see her pointing to her milk cup in the picture. Well she has a little stuffy/runny nose right now so please pray for her healing. Love y'all! P.S. The mark on her chest in the pool pictures is a mosquito bite! Brad has bought a mosquito killing machine that should eliminate the problem around our house though...we have a TON this year, everywhere!

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