Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Annabell has been learning so much lately that I don't even know where to really start. She is constantly mimicking us! She has been doing this for a while but I don't think I have ever mentioned it...anything that is remotely the size of a cell or house phone she pretends to talk on like a phone. I am on the phone a lot between business and friends and she loves to pretend she's on the phone. I have started to put it on speaker phone more often so she doesn't see me do it while driving etc...I don't want her to pick up that habit! I know, driving is quite a ways away but I need to start now ;). Some of the better imitations she has learned is being soft with babies...she has started to carry around her baby doll for the first time, and love on it. I absolutely love seeing her do this. She will take the doll from the sofa and then put her into her rocking chair and then come allow me to hold her like a baby while she holds her doll like one! It's a lot of fun.

She loves to follow her daddy around and watch anything he is doing, we had bought a lot of kid snacks, like Capri suns, for when Mikayla was her, and she loves to drink her own with her daddy! It's so cute because she will ask him for one and drink it until it's all gone and then give it to Brad. She also is starting to love dancing a lot to music, but the best part is she is trying to sing...I hope she got her papa's vocal cords! She loves to sing! She will imitate the singers rhythm while singing. Let's see, she asked for water today...she has understood the sign for a while but she did ask this time...but she prefers to just point at it if she can see it and then make a "HUH" sound, like she is trying to say "that" of something. When she can't see something she likes or wants at the time she will just cry in my lap or touch her face...Lately it has been when she is hungry....which has been often. She has a little cold and is congested, so it makes it difficult for her to chew, so she becomes weary of eating and then stops. She then becomes hungry faster and I'm not realizing it until she's fussing in my lap. She also has been really tired the past 2 days...she is in bed tonight at 6:30pm. I think this is a result of the cold as well. Oh, I almost forgot, I was clipping and painting my toe nails (while I can barely still touch my toes..ha!) today and she sat in my lap and let me clip all her toes and paint them (first time with nail polish!). I took a picture...the color is like pearl so it's not very noticable, but it was cute to see her so "girly" today... she is normally my little tom boy who wants to play in the dirt and with the wood at the park while climbing everything....but today was all about dolls and polish! Well she did do a lot of climbing too, and dirt...but it's the closest to "girly" she has ever came! haha. Love y'all!

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