Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back from St. Louis

Annabell has really been a busy baby lately. Thursday I left for my companies National Convention in St. Louis, it was amazing (the picture is the life size statute of liberty that YTB made for a small town in Indiana which will help promote tourism there, we were in the Rams stadium). While I was gone Brad got a lot of daddy daughter time with Annabell. Thursday evening, after I left her took her to youth group with him where she got to stay up to nearly 9:30pm and party with the high school kids. She had a blast! she also ate 2 1/2 pieces of pizza! YEP, that's right. I couldn't believe it when he told me, she proceed to also eat all her veggies and fruit as well! He said she slept incredibly sound until 9am the next morning! Then on Friday the spent the entire day together. They went to the park, made the bath into a swimming pool since it was raining, and went to her daddies work with him. When I would call to check on her she was always laughing and playing which was nice to hear. It was hard being away, but I am so happy that her and Brad had great one-on-one time. Brad and I are both working hard before the baby comes so that we can have more family time once he arrives. Lately books have been her passion. She wasn't as into them in the past as she is now, she will sit and watch me read to her and flip the pages. When she first wakes up she brings me a book, and if I am not in her chair she will take a book into her chair and read it herself. She also said 'bird' and 'baby' per her big pop, they got to watch her Saturday while Brad worked. It was so nice to come home and see her. When I walked into her room (she was just laying down for a nap and then I heard her wake up) she began to scream for joy and jump up and down! That was such a joyful homecoming! It was wonderful to see how full of joy she was compared to last time Brad and I both left on our cruise and she just cried when she saw us. I think it helped being home with her daddy versus us both being gone. Plus she has grown fond of her G-ma who she pointed out in a picture. That is her second favorite past time...to look at pictures and label who everyone is. She also got her first black eye the first day I was back. She slipped and fell at the park and ran into the riding toys that are made of metal. Here are some pictures...love y'all!

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