Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today we went to the Library for the 2nd time ever. They have an all ages story time at 9:30 am every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It was great. Annabell loves going to the library! They even have a little door that the kids can go through when the lady opens up the class room. I love that she is in a structured setting. They read 2 stories, sing songs, and today they even played musical instruments. Annabell sat well for a while and then wanted her milk, which mom totally forgot, so I had to distract her a little. We returned our first set of books which went over well with Annabell, and picked up 3 more. Although she preferred the sesame street books she already has. So hopefully these new books will peak her interest a little more. By the time we got home she was ready to crash. I couldn't find my camera to take pictures of the Library event. She goes with her two friends, Abigail and Bekkah. They are both older by about a year and a half so she tries to copy what they are doing. One of the librarians seemed happy to see us go! ah. But I find it hard to believe that she expects 2 2 year olds and a one year old to whisper after story time and playing with musical instruments. We also have been at the park a lot as normal. I took some video of her playing, and her getting ready to go on our daily walk (i'll have to post it later, it's being difficult!). Lately I haven't been able to walk (this week) as much do to some pain. I am hoping that it will go away soon, or my doctor tells me some magical answer that I haven't thought of, but I have the feeling I'll have this pain for the rest of the pregnancy. Oh well, it has been an absolutely great pregnancy so far. I shouldn't complain that i finally feel something. Speaking of the pregnancy, Annabell is starting to hear the word "brother" and "bubbi" a lot. We are trying to get her use to his room and his clothes, etc. She seems to be doing great. I'm sure the big hurdle will come when I can't play a lot for the first two weeks. Hopefully she will have a lot of play dates then so other kids can help her run out her energy. Love y'all!

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