Thursday, September 11, 2008

So funny

Annabell truly has her fathers personality traits! She is so funny. Always running around trying to make people laugh. Or if she hears someone laughing she will start to laugh (fake) and try to keep them laughing. It is such a good quality, I hope she holds on to it. Today was a weird day schedule wise. She woke up about an hour earlier than normal, and then I had to keep her from napping so she could go to our bible study next door. She was tired before it even started so needless to say she wasn't a happy little girl during the study. She did become a little more at ease after most the kids left and it was just her and Bekkah playing. We danced for a while to some really cute kids music and then went home. She was then overly tired so she woke up during nap a few times but I kept her in her crib until I was rested from mine. I know, I felt horrible because she took a 3 hour nap! ugh...but it was the only nap she had that day, and I had to rest, I too was tired from waking early.

Our Alumnus (proper word??), Milligan, sent us a shirt when we announced Annabell's birth. It was adorable but too big until recently. She wore it today, and I was actually really proud that she had it on! She was too cute running around with her pony tail and T-shirt. Speaking of which our 5 year reunion is coming up! OH MY! I am SO upset that we won't be able to go, but it is for a great reason, the birth of our son! I think I'm most upset because there is going to be an alumni soccer game vs. the current team! We might kick their butts, they'll out run us but we learned dirty tricks from Garvilla! hahaha...all my old team mates that read this should get a kick out of that memory! Ha! Well here is a video of Annabell using her spoon this morning, she actually was using it much better before I started taping, that's what motivated me to get the camera, she was even scooping the yogurt, but she became fascinated with her fingers shortly after the taping began. Love y'all! Oh p.s. She said "done" today, which was exciting to hear.

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