Sunday, September 14, 2008

Long Days

Well I don't believe Annabell has gone to bed before 8pm for about 4 days in a row. This is very late for her especially since her naps have been short lived do to so much running around. This has made for a very tired baby girl. Her little eyes get rings of red around them when she's tired, and sometimes dark circles like her daddy's when he is tired. She doesn't sleep very well in the car so she seems to wait until we get to where ever we are staying and then she is so tired that she asks to go to bed. It was 9pm before she got to go to sleep tonight. So when we got home we skipped bath time and put her into some pajamas (complements of Rebekkah, neighbor) and down she went. She is learning so much lately! I can hardly keep up with all she is learning. She learned the sign language for book, although it would be hard for a stranger to notice it. Mommy can tell it a mile away though. She also said Ba-By tonight at Briana. Big pop was my witness though, he even called it out first that she said it. She is becoming so gentle with babies, she is much calmer around her cousin Briana. We were at G-ma's and Big Pops tonight for G-ma's birthday dinner (let's just say too tired moms with no idea how to cook sea food were cooking and apparently I think a family of 7 needs the amount that you have on thanksgiving...too much, ha ha... Adie I know you know what I'm talking about! ha ha). Anyways, she was around Briana a lot today and the only time we had to caution her was when she wasn't paying attention to B while playing. For example she was trying to pick up a little chair and move it, but she would try and move it over B's head....a bit scary. But besides that she is doing much better which makes me excited about how well she will do with her brother. Well here are some pictures of her ready for y'all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

she is so beautiful abby. how are you feeling? i think we are due for a belly picture on here soon!