Thursday, July 3, 2008

1 Year Birthday!

Well it has taken me a while to put this post up for a few reasons. My camera battery ran out on her birthday so I had other people send me pictures from the big day, and we have had family in town. Brad's sister Michelle and her hubby Matt and daughter Madelyn have been in town. So we have been spending time with them. Well for all those who were not here for Annabell's 1st birthday party I will give a recap. She woke up in a great mood, which was wonderful. We put her in a dress we had bought her while we were in the Bahamas since the theme of her party was a luau. She also wore a special necklace from her Nanny. It is a shell necklace my mom bought me a few years ago, so it made me very happy to see she would wear it with out pulling it off. She didn't mind it at all and this way she had something special on her first b-day from her Nanny. We then went to church, and rushed home to prepare for the party at 1:30pm. It was at the park across the street (Joe Stonis Park). It was a nice day but HOT! The rain sprinkled for a minute of two which helped cool things down. We had a lot of Brad's family over and our friends. It was so nice to see how many people came to her birthday. Well first we all ate hot dogs and hamburgers, complements of chef Brad. Then the kids all got together and busted a pinata which was fun for them. Then the cake came! I stayed up quite late making 50 cup cakes and one cake for Annabell the night before. I put a Hawaiian flower on the cake, it was my first time decorating a cake so I was thrilled it came out descent. My neighbor Heather came over to help me cook the cupcakes, she was a HUGE help, I wouldn't of got all of them ready in time with out her! Anyways, Annabell just looked at the cake at first, until I gave her a taste of the icing. After that it didn't take her long to get her hands messy. She kept squeezing the icing in her hands as she enjoyed the feel of it. After that we had to change her outfit because she had icing everywhere. Then we opened presents and headed inside. It was a really nice day and she received sooooo many gifts! I still haven't had a opened them all! She took a surprising 3 hour nap after her party (surprising because she had so much sugar for the first time). What a blessing she is to her daddy and I. I love seeing her learn every day. Like today we were in the car and lately she has been watching me clap and snap my fingers...she started to try and snap her fingers today! I also was patting my head say "head" and then she would copy me. I love how smart she is! She is walking really well now. She walks most of the day. She still hasn't "free stood" but should any day now. She has also started learning to use a spoon...which is a messy task! ha. She doesn't grasp to scoop the food, but will put the spoon in the food and then to her mouth. She amazes me. Well I have a TON of video of her playing lately and pictures from her birthday and visit with her cousin Maddie. They have done a lot together lately. They went to a place called "Pump it up". It's an indoor bounce house for kids...toddler time seems to be on Tuesdays, and she had a blast! Her G-ma went in the houses with her since I can't with my big belly (son ;) ). Annabell and Maddie played well together here. They both would laugh as they would fall over trying to walk in the bounce house. They also found some cars the could ride in, and would take turns pushing one another, too cute. When Annabell was riding once, Maddie climbed in through the window and slid down to ride too, so funny. They also went to Lakes Park together and played in the water sprinkler's such a great place and you only pay for parking! It's awesome! Well her are a ton of photos and y'all...oh and there is video of Annabell and Bekka (neighbor's daughter) playing in the pool on Wednesday at the house. They had so much fun together... Heather and I enjoyed it because we could kick up our feet (both pregnant) and relax while they played! Love y'all!

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