Saturday, July 26, 2008

One Year Check Up

Well we finally had Annabell's one year check up. They lost the appointment somehow so I had to reschedule for a later date. Annabell did wonderfully. She was so good while the nurse and doctor looked at her. She was interested in what they were doing. She officially weighs 21 lbs (75%), and is 31 inches tall (95%), and her head was 46 cm (75%), yep she's got her mom's "watermelon" head as my dad would call it. ha. But it fits her beautifully! Well I was going to allow her to continue her morning feedings with a bottle but she weaned herself! Two days ago she refused her morning bottle and would only take it in a cup. It was as if she new it was "babyish", ha. She did the same thing yesterday, so this morning I didn't even try the bottle, she went straight for the cup. She does very well with it. She is learning so fast, and knows a lot more than I even knew she did, for example, I had my 28 week check up three days ago and I was allowing her to play with my keys while the nurse drew blood. She dropped them so the nurse put them on the back handle of her stroller. She became a little restless so the nurse asked her, "where are your keys?", and she turned right around to them! She also will point out her belly, and other body parts, like her feet. She also started dancing which i adore! It is so precious to see her bouncing around and swaying her head to music. She has always had a special liking to music...especially drums and guitar...she likes trying to imitate the kids playing Rock Band in Brad's youth group.
Yesterday we went outside and walked, walked, and walked some more...she enjoys walking around on her own now. So we are having to teach her to "STOP" at the end of the drive way so she doesn't go into the road. It took several times yesterday of me allowing her to get near the end of the drive way and then telling her stop once the road began. But about the 4-5th time she finally stopped at the road and began to fuss because I wouldn't allow her to go into the road. She is also learning to be more gentle with babies which is comforting. She is becoming a little less jealous too. 2 days ago her aunt and uncle brought their new born over, she did surprisingly well, and even "pet" Briana once...she learned to pet people and things from her aunt Kari while she was here. She also regressed a little bit and tried to sit in Briana's bouncer (her old one) while Briana was napping on the couch. Once uncle Josh started playing with her she forgot all about the baby and regression and indulged in the attention. Here is some video of her riding the horse she got for her birthday, she was cracking us up because she was riding with one hand like they do in rodeos. Here is also a picture of Brad with Briana. Love y'all! Oh and here is one belly picture of our little boy!

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