Monday, July 7, 2008

July 4th!!!

Well for the fourth we had a fun family day. Brad got up early and went to work (lawn care) and then came home by noon. We were at G-ma's house by 1pm and hung out with Brad's family all day. It was a lot of fun because the girls got to play together (Maddie and Annabell) and we were able to see everyone, which is a doesn't happen often since we all either live apart or have different work needless to say it was a nice day. We had the works for dinner too, Big pop cooked ribs, and G-ma made her famous twice baked potatoes. So good! Plus much more. The adults played WII and the girls played in the baby pool and all around the house..they were pooped out by the end of the day. We also took a family photo which was nice, and we had a photo of the three girls, Briana, Annabell, and Maddie with their great grandmother, Meema! That was a little challenging but here are some pictures from it. The girls seemed to really enjoy the sparklers and popping things (don't remember the name of them). They would both laugh as Matt and I would throw them on the ground. We have a little video of them laughing, but they were really laughing hard just before we got it on film. And surprisingly, Annabell slept well while the loud fireworks were going off. She also really enjoyed watching them on the way home. She didn't fall back to sleep because she was so interested in the fireworks, she kept pointing and saying "oooohhhh". It was adorable. So all in all it was a great day! Here is some video and pictures for y'all! Love ya!

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