Tuesday, July 15, 2008

just a quick update

Well I don't have my camera this week so no pictures...sorry. My sis has it on her cruise, so I just wanted to write down a couple of things Annabell has been doing and achieving before I forget them. Well as you know her cousin Mikayla is here and is a huge help. Since Annabell's daddy is in Jamaica it's comforting to have her here, and she is a huge help with Annabell. Annabell is walking and falling everywhere....i didn't think she could hurt herself and be okay so much in one day. She has several boo boos on her hands and feet from getting into stuff she shouldn't at the park. She also has made her lip bleed a time or two. She is so adventurous, she can open our sliding doors and has pulled on the front door handle trying to open it! I now have to make sure the doors are dead bolted at all times! She can reach on her tippy toes and pull stuff off the table and counter tops! We had planned on going to Lakes park today but can not go since it's been raining since the middle of the night last night! So we settled for bible study (where they played with other kids) and Mel's Dinner. Where they give free ice cream to the kids, Mikayla loved that part! Oh. almost forgot, Annabell officially calls out to me, and Mikayla too I believe. I took her to nursery on sunday and she began to cry when I was leaving saying...mammmmaaaaammmaaa and trying to see past the lady that was holding her. SO CUTE, also much harder to leave! She is also trying mommy, but it sounds like Ammy. But she sometimes calls for Mikayla with a similar name, Ama. So I'm not too sure which one she is saying with out seeing her look at the person she wants. Well that's about it, I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton. Love y'all!

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