Saturday, June 7, 2008

playing in the rain

Well the rain has started in Fl. Annabell is fascinated by the rain. We were walking home from the neighbors house and it started to poor. She thought it was weird at first and then started laughing with me encouraging her. Here is a picture of her after the rain. Well let's see. We went to her Aunt Adrienne's baby shower today, who is having Briana, due on July 1st. It was fun and Annabell had a blast crawling and walking every where! She was constantly moving and did not get a second nap today because she was so excited and we were so busy today. She didn't even get to bed until a little after 8 pm (which she normally goes down around 7pm) because we ran out of milk and I had to take her to the store with me to get some. She is now on Cows milk! Organic whole milk to be exact. She had no problem with the transition which started this morning. It was actually by mistake since we ran out of formula and that was all we had at the time, but I believe she is close enough to 1 to start on cow's milk. She was so good for being so sleepy, she even went willingly to her aunt Adie and G-ma, she sought them out and reached out for them. She has started to understand things a bit better. She completely gets the word "no" now and will push the limits sometimes but knows not to most of the time. She also knows where the playground is at the park and fusses when we are leaving the park because she knows she is done playing there. It's not a huge fit though, she just squirms and whines until I get her in the stroller and then she is calm. She says mama a lot more now and seems to practice saying it while carefully moving her lips to make the "m" sounds. Lately she has not been as interested in her books as she is normally, but I'm trying not to force reading, per the advice of a book I read. They say all babys choose when they'll be interested in something. She IS interested in climbing everything and moving as fast as possible at ALL times. She talks a ton too, and loves music and singing. She loves to play her maracas, piano, and her musical toys. She is pretty good at them too. I talked to Christy Goodlet about piano lessons for her (not now but soon) but she didn't recommend them until around 1st grade. She also has a huge interest in swimming. All the ladies at the pool say that she'll be in the Olympics for swimming..ha. That would be great but I try not to put the cart before the horse. ha. Moms always see the best in their child though. For example right now I think she is a beautiful musical, swimming genius! hehe. We are so blessed. It amazes me how one intentional hug from her, which she will do now, can make my day. Well I hope y'all enjoy the pictures...Love y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys look different now.
i like your hair!!