Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well this is a week of Family to say the least. We just welcomed our newest family member, Briana Marie Zachritz (Josh and Adrienne's first addition to their family). She is beautiful and is 8lbs and 6oz and 20 and 1/2 inches long, born at 10:02am. Her mommy did wonderfully during labor, and daddy did too! We are so happy for them. You can see Josh and I really see a lot of Adrienne though, blond hair and full lips are all mommy's, but the dimples are so deep and pretty, they look just like daddy's! Well here are some pictures!... Annabell liked looking at Briana, but will probably do better when she is more rested, it was her nap time so she was a little fussy. She tried to grab Briana a couple of times, so I had to hold her away, she doesn't realize her own strength sometimes. Annabell got a little jealous and I had to pick her up while holding Briana a couple of times...but it's something I'm trying to expose her to a lot since she will have a little brother soon. Well, today we also picked up my sister Sarah and her boyfriend J.W. today from the airport! I'm so excited they are here and have a ton of stuff planned, but only 1/2 the energy. ha. Tomorrow we are all going to bible on the beach with Brad's Youth Group. Annabell LOVES the water, and will be completely spoiled by her aunt Sarah. She already has had Sarah's attention all day. We took her to Hog body's (restaurant) for a early dinner and Annabell tried her first pickle! She LOVED it and gets that love honestly from her aunt Sarah who can eat an entire 1/2 gallon of pickles in one day! Now we are home, Annabell's in bed, and I'm waiting for Brad to get home from a long day at work. He is so wonderful, he works SO hard so that I can stay home with Annabell. We both agreed it was best for our family, but I never knew how hard it would be for him and I'm truly grateful that he works so hard for me and Annabell (and the son on the way). He's a WONDERFUL DADDY and HUSBAND! Anyways, here are some pictures from today! Love y'all! (p.s. I look HUGE in the picture with my sister, but I THINK that it was the clothes and pose...haha...honestly!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please tell Adrianne and Josh I said Hello and Conglaturations! she is so pretty.
and your belly is getting big! im so excited to see your son!
miss ya