Monday, February 25, 2008


Well Annabell finally crawled right in front of Brad and I yesterday. She was after Roxy's toy of all things! Ha, it was so cute and it took us a while but we finally found the Video camera and recorded some, she was a bit fussy by then though and getting tired. She also is saying the P-P-P sound a lot. I'm trying to get her to make the p sound into words, like please and Papa. We are working on it. She also is almost completely weened and on the bottle. 8 months of breast feeding, according to the doctor, is plenty for all the protection she needs. She said she has everything she needs for her immune system, allergy protection, and higher IQ, etc. So at this point she really needs the fat for growing and I'm just not giving enough from my body, so she is on the bottle now and doing great with it. Even sleeping better. Plus I actually have some freedom too, since Brad is more than happy to feed her a bottle when she needs one. It's been nice. Well here are her y'all!


Casey said...


(She is absolutely gorgeous abby. You know this :)

mom2mlg said...

That is SO exciting! I hope that you have gotten all your babyproofing done. You will be surprised at how quickly she gets to moving really fast! Now the real fun starts!