Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Girl

Well today was a fairly normal day, we got up, Annabell played until she was ready for her first nap, she slept 2 hours and then woke up and ate. We then went to see her daddy at his office and she stayed with him for an hour while I went out to lunch with Christy. Then we came home and she took another 2 hour nap! I think she is going through some major growing with the amount of food she has been eating and how much she is sleeping. She was just playing in the living room and was lying on her belly and then got on all four and then went from all four to her bottom! I thought that was wonderful! I hadn't seen her figure that out yet...although I did see her on her bottom 2 days ago when I walked in her bed room to get her up from her nap. So I assume she's figured it out before I actually saw it, but it was a site to see! And her daddy and I saw it together which is always nice. The pictures of her in the lady bug outfit are her celebrating with us after she went from belly to bottom today! What a BIG GIRL! She also has started some new foods...prunes, green beans, and asparagus...she loves them all!
Love y'all!~

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