Wednesday, February 6, 2008

From the pool to 12" of snow!

Well hello all! Sorry it has been a while since I have blogged, we have had a few busy weeks! Last week we were spending time with one of Annabell's great grandmothers. She actually got to spend time with 2 great grandma's one night! Great grandma Nester came down from Indianapolis and left the snow to see the hot sun! We had a great time! Annabell and Grandma aka grams had a lot of bonding time. They both went to the ocean for the first time together. Well it wasn't grams first but it was the first time in a while. Well now we are in COLD. We are up in Wisconsin visiting Michelle and Matt and just so happens that the worst snow storm of the season started today. It might be a problem to most but Brad, Annabell and I have loved it! Well we went to the Museum this week and saw the Body World exhibit. It was truly amazing. God is an Amazing creator! Well Brad and I went sledding today, we couldn't take Annabell out in it because it was snowing so hard and fast. We had a great time and Annabell stayed in playing with her cousin Maddie and aunt Michelle. Maddie and Annabell have had a wonderful time playing together. At first Maddie was so excited to see Annabell that she would climb all over her and Annabell would just fall over and cry. But after about 2 days she has started to hold her own and hang on Maddie too! She has started to rock back and forth on her hands and knees...she is so close to crawling. She has also been pulling herself up on anything she possibly can, coffee tables, the tub, and more. The biggest thing is she said DADA!!!!!!!! Brad was getting her dressed and she looked right up at him and said DADA!!! I heard her from the bathroom and ran into the bedroom! Brad was so excited to be there the first time she said it. She then looked at him again and said DADA! By that time all of us filled the room hoping to hear her say it again, but she was distracted by us all being there. It was very exciting since I have tried especially hard to get her to say it lately. It's amazing to see her learn....she stares at me or someone else doing something and then bam, she does it one random day. She seems to be at a point in her life that she is demonstrating all that she's been learning. It's amazing to see! Well here are some pictures the girls playing! Love y'all!

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