Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fun in the sun

Well Annabell has gone to the pool twice this week! She has absolutely loved it. The life guard noticed that she was already practicing swimming techniques with her legs and hands...she seems to be a natural water baby. She tends to poop out quickly the days that we go swimming though. She fell asleep in my arms while eating at the pool. Too cute. I can't remember the last time she's done that since I try to not allow her to sleep in my arms anymore. Well I think we might be getting close to adding a third meal to her diet. She's not eating as much lately (for the exception of Avocado...she would keep eating and burst before not eat her avocado) but she is waking up hungry. Last night she woke up and finally I gave in and fed her, she ate like a pig and then went right back to sleep for several hours. We'll test that theory out and see if it was a fluke or if she really needs more calories now. Well she has started playing in her crib now. Before she would just lay there and not ever roll over, even though she would roll around all day, but never in her crib. But something in her brain must of clicked and told her she can do that where ever she wants...She roles into these funny positions and gets stuck and then cries out for help. She's so funny. She also LOVES climbing me and her daddy. She just grabs onto us and up she goes! Soon it will be objects as well. Lets see...oh she now has started to reach out and face plant, while sitting down. She's creeps her hands out to what ever she wants and then BAM too far...but she's learning to hold herself up which is exciting to watch! Well she has been enjoying her visit with her Great Grandmother who came all the way down from Indianapolis to see her. Grandma has been a huge help and tends to capture Annabell's eye a lot. Annabell will stare at her and follow her anywhere she goes! She also is loving biting! UGH, it hasn't really hurt yet since she doesn't have top teeth, but I know I'm going to have to rid her of that behavior as soon as those tops come in. Well here are some pictures from yesterday, which was in the mid 60's which is pretty cool here, and then today in the upper 70's which was warm enough to go to the pool. Well I'll write more later! Love y'all

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