Wednesday, January 9, 2008

two teeth with no sleep

Well we have had some very tiring days. Annabell has since last week had 2 teeth break through her gums. Her first bottom two. She is in a lot of pain and I feel bad because I have no idea what to do to help her through it. She doesn't like the teething toys that are cooled or not cooled, she doesn't like me rubbing her gums, even eating doesn't sooth her. The last two nights she has woken up for several hours crying and rubbing her eyes because she is so tired. Yesterday she only took one nap for about 1 hour. Today her naps have gotten a little better but she is fighting them still, except she did just go down to sleep easily for me. She is playing MUCH harder these days, she squirms everywhere and uses every bit of energy she has. She was quite energetic this afternoon after her nap; her Grandma conned her into sleeping by taking her on a walk and then wheeling her stroller into her room and letting her sleep. Well besides that all is well, she had her first home made meals this weekend. I made sweet potatoes which she likes even better than the canned stuff, and bananas, which she also loves. I tried the pourage, but she did NOT like it at all, so for now I am continuing to buy it. It's a lot easier and the mess of making it and the stickiness is just no fun. Well here are some recent photos. Love y'all.

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