Friday, January 18, 2008

new food

Well Annabell has been doing wonderful. She is sleeping through the night again which is wonderful. I actually am so not use to it that I get in such deep sleeps that it's even harder to wake than before! We introduced yogurt to her. She likes it now but it took a few days to get her to enjoy it. It's just so bitter when it's plain yogurt with no additives. She is also going to try another food today or tomorrow, squash. Ever since the yogurt, her digestive system has been very good if you know what I mean...ha. I think it's pretty good for her though because she was having a hard time going to the bathroom with the intro to solid food. So let's see. We have been to the park a ton lately. We have several visitors since the park opened across the street. I've enclosed some pictures of Annabell and Emma and one with Mason. We had a little lunch date and then went to the park. It was nice. Well Annabell in the last week or so has started hugging me. I melt every time. She puts her little head down on my shoulder and I just hold on, cherishing every moment. Well I haven't been away from Annabell for more than a few hours at a time and those have only been a few times. But tonight her Grandma is going to watch her while Brad and I attend a training in Sarasota. So this will be one of the first times I haven't been here to atleast give her a bath and lay her down...ugh. I miss her when she even goes to the park with I'm sure I'll go crazy tonight, BUT it will be nice for her grandma to have that time with her alone. She does better when she doesn't see me when others are with her. Well Brad went and got her out of bed yesterday morning and he said that she was sitting up in her crib and when she realized someone was in the room she flipped over on her belly and pushed up to see who it was. I haven't seen her sit up on her own yet but I'm assuming I'll see it any day now. She is squirming on her belly so much that I'm sure crawling's right around the corner. Well I'll write more later, love y'all.

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