Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 "is great"

Hey All! Well we have had a wonderful New Year so far. We spent New Years eve with our Brother and Sister in law on Brad's side of the family. It was fun. Annabell wasn't up too long though. She has been very congested (with out a stopped up nose though....weird). I took her to the doctor on eve and he said she was fine. She still sounds pretty bad though, but we have her 6 month check up on Thursday so we'll see what her doctor says. Well there have been several wonderful things that have been small milestones for her or maybe more for us! She is looking like her bottom right tooth is coming in. She sat herself back into a sitting position after falling down! Brad has worked hard on her learning how to do that. He always tells her, if you can't sit up don't fall down! So this time she sat back up. She also has finally started to enjoy some solid foods. She is liking her sweet potatoes finally. Well since her tooth is starting to come through, I noticed that she is gumming everything. Here are some pictures. OH and I almost forgot, she waived bye bye to Brad this morning. First we thought it was a coincidence but we waited and she did it again! She's such a smart little princess! Well I'll update y'all more after her appointment.

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

I love that she waved! We don't get much practice at saying/waving bye-bye here. I was just thinking that we should start working on it. How cute! I hope Annabell gets over her stuffiness soon. Can't wait to hear about her appointment.