Monday, March 3, 2008

Noah and the Beach

Well my best friend Courtney came to visit us from NC this week. She brought her son Noah along with her. Noah and Annabell played pretty well together with the exception of sharing toys, ha. But besides that they did great. They also got to go to the beach together which was a lot of fun. Annabell had a blast playing in the sand! She wasn't too fond of the cold Gulf water but she loved crawling in the sand and running the sand through her fingers. She thought it was pretty funny. She has had a runny nose for about a week or two, it just seems to linger and she is constantly chewing on her fingers and toys, so I think it could be teething, but only time will tell. She is back to sleeping pretty well, at least the last two nights she has been. She was waking up all hours of the night last week. That's another reason I think it could be teething. Well tomorrow we are off to TN for vacation/business. I am very excited for my family to see Annabell. In just a week her crawling has become unbelievably fast! She also thinks she can walk, she pulls herself up on everything and will test her balance by holding on with just one hand. She's getting more and more brave everyday. She also says maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now, it's not really directed to me though, so I'm not counting it yet. She is loving the "b" sound this week. She is such a jabber box, for several months now she will sing along with the radio or me/brad/grandma when we are singing. It's so cute! She seems to love anything with music! She had an adorable cheer leading outfit on yesterday, compliments of her daddy. She was doing cheers in it all day which was so funny. Well here are some pictures and we'll post more once I'm back from TN. Please pray for traveling mercies! Love y'all! P.S. We did Noah's hair fun for this picture, can you tell...he's soooo cute!

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