Thursday, March 13, 2008


Well we returned from TN on Tuesday and I have been playing catch up ever since. We had a wonderful visit. Annabell was spoiled with attention by her cousin Mikayla, her aunts Kari and Sarah and her Papa! She also got to see her Big Nanny and Big Papa which was a wonderful surprise! I know you all would love to see pictures but I forgot my camera! I KNOW! But my sister Kari should be sending me some of hers and then I'll post them. Well since Annabell has started crawling she has slept better, played harder, and thrown up more! Ha. She now follows me from room to room. She is so proud of herself when she catches up to me. She also stands up constantly. Her new thing is to be standing when I walk in her bedroom in the morning or after a nap. Her naps are still wonderful, 2 times a day for about 1-2 hours. Her eating has decreased slightly but shes drinking more bottles than normal. She now laughs out loud just by looking at her and smiling which is so much fun. She LOVES blowing raspberries and laughs if you mimic her! Oh and while we were in TN I was feeding her a bottle and she took it away from me and began to feed herself! She is such a big girl! It snowed while we were in TN so we stayed inside most of the time, with the exception of going a few places, one being Go-Jump. An indoor jump house for children. They have a toddlers area that we let her aunt Sarah took her into, but she didn't like it much, she just preferred to bounce up and down on her butt with the help of her aunts. We had a great time, and she LOVED spending time with her papa, she would let him hold her tight and rock her to sleep. It was so cute, a few times they fell asleep together, so I guess she rocked her papa to sleep! Well let's see. I think that is it for now. Here is a picture of her sleeping, she pretty much rolls onto her belly shortly after falling asleep. Love y'all!

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