Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter, Signing, and more!

Well sorry it has taken me so long to update this...Annabell has been keeping me super busy! She has been walking while holding on to things a ton lately...she actually prefers that over crawling...and learning how to step up and climb! She climbed all 4 levels of the jungle gym at the park the other day, and preceded to bump her nose when she face planted while going through the tunnel. She has had a ton of bumps this week. Well her 1st Easter was nice. She even participated in the egg hunt at church and picked up an egg (she only wanted the one egg). She was excited to have it! I had to tell the older kids to let her have the one egg since they were very competitive and was ready to take her egg right out of her hand! ha. Well she finally showed me that all the signing has paid off! She was crying the other day and I could not figure out why...and then I looked at her hand and she was asking for MILK! 2 times she asked for it that day and both times it is what she wanted! I was so impressed that an 8 month old could tell me what she wants! She is so adorable and SMART! She also randomly said hello (very clearly) to a biker passing us while walking at the park on the path! I was shocked because I wasn't instructing her to say hello or anything! She also now says bye very clearly. Before, she already did hello and bye but I think I could see it more than others, now it is very clear. She also loves to play Patty Cake. She will roll her hands when the song prompts her to. I am amazed at how everything is clicking with her all at once! It's very encouraging when teaching her to sign. A friend of mine told me to only work on one sign at a time, and that's what I did and sure enough that week she got it! We are working on momma now. She says Dada so we'll try to sign momma first..ha ha. Yesterday I was trying to get her to say momma and she kept saying Dada...needless to say Brad soaked up every second of it! ;) Well she is having her 1st sleepover with Grandma (away from both mommy and daddy for the 1st time!) since we have to chaperon an over night trip. It will be hard, we were even planning on taking her with us, but her Grandma and Big pop are so excited and looking forward to it that we decided it would be best. I'm sure she'll be spoiled by the time we get back tomorrow. ha Well here is some video, she says bye in this video (at the end)...she is feeding herself these days, she's starting to shun from baby food and wants what ever we are having which I am actually happy to oblige most of the time. She ate Turkey yesterday and provolone cheese! She LOVES cheese and meats. She also loves tangerines! Well I hope y'all have a great week! Oh and there are some pictures from Annabell's play date with my friends Rachel and Stefanie's children, Lilia and Mason. Annabell was following Lilia around since she can walk, she was trying to keep up with the big girls! Mason was trying to give Annabell her first kiss but never quite landed it! ha

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