Monday, April 7, 2008

New Camera

Well it has taken me a while because Brad bought me a new camera...a small one that I can use instead of dragging around his huge camera and a separate video camera...anyways, I had to learn how to use it so that on top of my normal busyness was too much to get on here. Well lets see. Annabell is growing like a weed. We had her 9 month check up and the Dr. said she looked great. She is in the 90th % for height, 50th for weight, and 75th for head. She now says Dada all the time. Brad said he heard her say mama today, but I missed it! He said she looked at me and said it. She is walking while holding onto things a ton these days. She now uses signs for "all done" and "milk". She is eating a lot of finger foods, but we still give her baby foods to keep her well nourished. She now Loves to give kisses. She clamps down on my lips, I think it won't be as cute when her upper teeth come in, which they are getting close. She keeps testing her balance with standing...she'll let go for a second to see if she can stand on her own...She tends to move to fast for her body to keep up though. We have started to go to the park daily and walk 2 miles and then play at the park...she seems to enjoy it...she is always more peaceful when outdoors... her favorite things tend to be the wind and people watching. She really enjoys that. She also loves Sunday school. She plays so hard while there. It has been raining a lot here lately, so there has been some beautiful rainbows. Well I am sure I have forgotten a ton of things she has done lately, but when I remember them I'll be sure to put them up! Love y'all.

P.S. We are expecting baby #2 on Oct 14th. We are thrilled, please keep us in your prayers!


Casey said...


NICE P.S.!!! Way to sneak that in there!!!

CONGRATS Abby!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Baby number 2?!?!?! How exciting! Congratulations! I love that you and Michelle have done these blogs, it's so nice to see the girls growing!