Thursday, April 24, 2008

Learning alot

on Annabell has been learning so much lately. She also has been learning to test her mommy and daddy. She is learning her shapes (at least how to fit them into the right shape on her box). She has had her top two teeth come in last week and then the third one came through 3 days ago, which brings her to a total of 5 teeth! She has done great with it though, not too many tears. She did have a lot of tears on Saturday when she fell mouth first into the hard floor! Both sets of teeth went through her lips (not all the way though). She was bleeding and had the largest lips ever! I felt horrible that she hurt herself, but she seemed comforted by sucking on some ice for a while. She has had a couple of play dates recently and absolutely loves playing with the other children. We go to the park almost daily and she truly enjoys playing there. We will be keeping our friends 2 boys for about 3-4 days while they deliver their 3rd baby, starting today. We have a lot of out door activities planned, since the boys are 3 and 4 I plan on running out all their energy! I'll probably run mine out as well! ha ha. They are good boys though so it shouldn't be difficult, plus it will get me ready to have more! Just an update on baby #2, we have a Dr. apptMonday and then find out the sex on Saturday the 3rd. We are very excited. Annabell will be such a good big sissy. She had her pictures taken yesterday, I found this great place where you can get 36 pictures (of one pose) for about 9.95! Needless to say we'll be going there for now on, plus they are great! I told them I was only going to buy the cheapest thing when I walked in (knowing her 1 year pictures are right around the corner) and they still spent about an hour with her. They were very patient! But we might try an afternoon shot next time, I took her at 9 am and she was still zoned out from sleeping! Well here is some video of her playing and putting the blocks (while she was focused for 2 minutes, ha) in the right shape. Love y'all!

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