Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Teeth!

Well Tuesday Annabell finally cut her two top teeth! I didn't even notice because she didn't seem bothered, but she has been waking up during the night sometimes, but she goes back to sleep on her own, so it didn't dawn on me until I felt them on Tuesday! Bless her heart, she has been so good while teething. Well she continues to make more progress with trying to walk. She is such a strong baby. She also is so excited sometimes that she hurts other kids...we were at the park yesterday and there was a little girl who crawled up to her in the tunnel at the jungle gym...Annabell got so excited and began to smack her face in delight...i felt bad but couldn't scold her for being I am trying to teach her to be soft with others and dogs these days. I am showing her how to pet Roxy and hopefully she'll pick up on it before we come across another baby. Well she is such a chatter box, here is some video of her walking and talking. I hope y'all have a blessed weekend! Love y'all!

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