Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year with new adventures

Welcome in 09! whoo hoo. Annabell has had a great one! She gave up her binki on December 30th, and on December 31st she moved into her toddler bed! No more crib or binki! And she is doing GREAT! Since yesterday she has gone to bed and with no crying. And she went to bed with out her binki wonderfully as well. So now she is constantly told what a "big girl" she is, which makes her very happy. The only thing she has left is to be potty trained and that seems right around the corner. Today she went to the diaper changing table and tried to pull her diaper down after she pooped. I think with in the next 12 months she'll be there. I don't want to force her too early though. She has been VERY talkative lately, even more than normal. She has said "sorry" and many other words lately. Even a few phrases, like "all done". She also has figured out where the snacks are, and asks for them quite frequently.

Annabell's "I" teeth are coming in. Which means she has been biting more. She bit Ford at the airport for the first time ever, and me recently too, but now tends to hesitate before she really chomps down to see if you are going to react or not.
She has been a huge help for her daddy and I lately. She brings Ford his binki and blanky anytime that we are caring for him and need it. Well here is some video of Annabell playing in the water in the middle of winter! Our northern family will love to see this! Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

I think she needs to be in the pool before the water starts spraying!!! She's adorable!