Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Favorite show

I always am thinking of all the things I want to put on Annabell's blog and then I completely forget when it comes time to do so. Well today was a good day. Annabell is learning so fast it is hard to keep up. She likes when I sing "yes, Jesus loves me" to her and she signs Jesus' name. She also has shown me that she knows a lot of words, I'm not even sure that i ever taught them to her either. Like this evening she was doing something while sitting next to me and I asked to see her finger, and sure enough she lifted one little digit up. I don't believe I have taught her what a finger is yet. Also she loves to make food for us and play eat. Tonight she was walking around with her milk cup and would go to her play kitchen and fill it with pretend juice as she was drinking. She also is so good with Ford. When we are in her room reading a book and Ford is napping, if she hears him cry, she stops everything, runs to him, and tries to give him his binki.

Just remembered what I wanted to put on the blog. Annabell's favorite show and first show is "Madelyn". Haha. She loves to watch Maddie's blog videos and the longer the better. I think she thinks it is TV. She wants to watch and she will answer questions about the 'show' while watching. Tonight was the painting and dogs show...ha...she told me with a lot of certainty that Maddie was NOT talking to the dogs though, haha. I have some video of her watching...she had been watching for about 30 minutes (we looked at old videos too and replayed the new ones several times...she kept asking for more), so she started to get a little distracted with the key board...

Annabell loves running now. She will take off at the park. I love how she runs too, she tucks her little arms up high and twists her entire upper body to get more speed. It's so cute. Oh and it was windy today, so sorry about the noise. love y'all!

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

Madelyn loves to watch Annabell "run". I am not sure if it is Annabell running or the wind sound, but she cracks up everytime!

I am glad that Annabell likes the "Maddie Show"! Maybe she will start copying Maddie the way she copies other videos she sees.