Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 08' in TN

(Annabell wearing her carry-on Braves bag)

We went to Tennessee for Christmas this year and had a great time. Annabell did really well on the plain until we were delayed 4 hours. Which changed us from arriving at 630pm in TN to 1130pm! ugh. She was so tired, she eventually fell asleep on Brad's lap. She did really well considering the circumstances. When we got there her aunt Kari made a palate on the floor for her to sleep on (since the pack-n-play was at her friends house), and she slept GREAT! I was so impressed because she never has slept anywhere besides her crib or pack-n-play. She didn't even get up off the floor until she saw me peek at her.
The next day we took the kids to see Santa. Annabell got a beautiful dress from her Papa and Sharon. She was happy to wear it since she loves dressing up.
Her and Mikayla played a ton together. Annabell ran around trying
to tackle KK and KK would tackle her back! That is why she is such a tough little girl! She also loved wearing KK's key ring around her neck like a necklace. I had no idea that she loved jewelry so much.
Well once we got to the mall Annabell ran around looking at the fish at the Bass Pro Shop. They had a great display of trains and toys for kids. Finally she got a chance to see Santa and wanted nothing to do with him. I couldn't even peel her out of my arms! So I was in all the photos.

After that we ate dinner at the mall's food court and the girls held hands on the way as you can see. Once there they rode the merry-go-round with their aunt Sarah
and then again with Papa and Sharon.

And then Christmas morning came. Annabell LOVED opening gifts. But she would open one and then want to only play with it as you can see with her crayons. She had a lot of fun though and was ready for her nap afterwards! Papa spoiled Annabell and so did her aunts. She even got a special gift of going to Chuck-E-Cheese from Sarah.

We had a great trip. Annabell got to also meet her aunts Patty and Jackie, uncle Danny, cousins Hailey, Josh and Laura for the first time. She had fun playing with all the kids. There was a house FULL of people. The scariest part of the night was when everyone was there and dusk was just setting in and the doors were open because it was in the 60's that night. We had just seen the kids running around and Brad and I thought other people were keeping an eye on them while I fed Ford and Brad was talking with the guys. Then Brad came running in saying he couldn't find Annabell. That was very scary considering my dad lives off a semi-busy road. All of a sudden him and Will ran around the house and found her behind the detached garage. SHe climbed down the VERY steep steps by herself. Then made my heart drop! So scary but I praise God she was okay, just playing by herself for a few minutes. Anyways, we left of Saturday and the flight home was a long one. 1:55pm-930pm! The kids did great. Annabell even had her own seat on the last flight.

Sunday when we got home we after church and hearing Brad preach for the first time we went home and had Christmas with Big Pop and G-ma. As usual they went crazy on gifts! Here is a video of Annabell seeing her big gift from them after waking from her nap!

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