Thursday, December 11, 2008

Every Step and BEST SIGN YET.

Annabell is always observant of everything going on, especially of me and Brad. She loves to do what ever we do. When ever I put on make up, she wants to also, if I'm cleaning she also wants to. For my birthday on monday I was dressed nice to go out to dinner and a movie with Brad. It was a great time, I put on heals for the first time since Ford was born. That gave Annabell an opportunity to see me walking in them. She loved the noise they made on the wood floor. As soon as they came off she put them on. Walking around in them in her diaper was adorable.

Well I am excited to say that Annabell has learned to sign 'Jesus'. This makes me so happy because I feel like she is starting to recognize his name. We sing songs read books and pray with and about Jesus. So she hears about him a lot, but as many other Christian moms know, you really hope and pray they truly understand how wonderful and loving HE is. So for her to sign his name (pointing at the nails in each hand) is a big step.

She has officially moved to only ONE nap! ugh, and it's only 2 hours usually. I miss the days of 2 long naps! But it gives us more play time together, especially when Ford starts taking two long naps, which I hope eventually happens once he's on a routine.

Here are some pictures of Annabell on the train at the mall. I forgot to put these when I wrote about Santa Clause. She loved being on the train! The little kids with her took 'care' of her while she was on the ride. It's funny how kids 2-3 years older see her as a little baby and want to tend to her every whim...which she LOVES by the way. She always wants them to hold her hand! Too cute. Well we love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Looks like she is having fun! Wish I could have been there to see that. Too cute!